The following Conditions are related to Jaundice

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Hepatitis A

    1. Close contact with an infected person 2. Consuming contaminated food or water 3. Traveling to areas with poor sanitation and hygiene practices 4. Living in crowded or unsanitary conditions 5. Men who have sex with men 6. Injection drug use 7. Working in healthcare or childcare settings 8. Having a compromised immune system 9. Being a household member or caregiver of someone with Hepatitis A  Read More

  • Hepatitis B

    1. Unprotected sexual contact with an infected person 2. Sharing needles or syringes with an infected person 3. Being born to a mother who is infected with hepatitis B 4. Receiving a blood transfusion from an infected donor 5. Sharing personal items such as razors or toothbrushes with an infected person 6. Working in healthcare settings where exposure to blood or bodily fluids is common 7. Traveling to regio  Read More

  • Hepatitis C

    The treatments for Hepatitis C typically involve antiviral medications that help to reduce the amount of the virus in the body and prevent liver damage. The most common medications used to treat Hepatitis C are direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), which are highly effective and have fewer side effects than older treatments. Some common DAAs used to treat Hepatitis C include: 1. Sofosbuvir 2. Ledipasvir 3. Dacl  Read More

  • Hepatitis D

    There is currently no specific cure for Hepatitis D, also known as delta hepatitis. However, treatment options are available to help manage the symptoms and complications of the disease. Antiviral medications may be prescribed to help reduce the replication of the hepatitis D virus and slow down the progression of the disease. In some cases, liver transplantation may be necessary for individuals with advanced liver damage. It is important for  Read More

  • Hepatitis E

    There is no specific cure for Hepatitis E, as it is a viral infection that typically resolves on its own within a few weeks to months. However, supportive care can be provided to manage symptoms and help the body recover. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary to monitor and treat complications. There is no specific antiviral medication approved for the treatment of Hepatitis E, but in some cases, healthcare providers m  Read More

  • Yellow Fever

    1. Travel to areas where yellow fever is endemic, such as parts of Africa and South America 2. Lack of vaccination against yellow fever 3. Being over 60 years old 4. Weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV/AIDS or cancer 5. Living or working in areas with a high population of mosquitoes 6. Engaging in outdoor activities that increase exposure to mosquitoes, such as camping or hiking 7. Not using  Read More