Assessment of Knowledge on Pneumococcal Vaccination Among Diabetologists in India

Asia has the highest burden with the largest contribution of pneumonia burden from India.
Pneumonia is also observed as 5th leading cause of deaths in India.
People with diabetes with uncont ...

: Pneumococcal Vaccine

Immunogenicity and Safety of Comvigen (Bivalent) Vaccine

This study will assess the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a single dose of Comvigen (Bivalent, ChulaCov19 BNA159.2) vaccine or BIVALENT Pfizer/BNT vaccine as a booster among healthy ...

: Safety of a Single Dose of COMVIGEN Vaccine

Messaging Strategies to Increase Peer Education on COVID-19 Vaccination and Climate Change

The primary objective of this protocol is to develop and evaluate peer communication interventions to encourage peer education around COVID-19 vaccination and climate change. ...

: Vaccine Hesitancy

Vaccine communication strategies among healthcare workers as a reflection of the Israeli Ministry of Health’s communication strategies before and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Background: Healthcare workers play a central role in communicating information to the public regarding vaccines. Most of the literature has focused on healthcare workers’ hesitancy and doubts about g

Reducing Sample Size While Improving Equity in Vaccine Clinical Trials: A Machine Learning-Based Recruitment Methodology with Application to Improving Trials of Hepatitis C Virus Vaccines in People Who Inject Drugs

Despite the availability of direct-acting antivirals that cure individuals infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), developing a vaccine is critically needed in achieving HCV elimination. HCV vaccin

Pharmacovigilance in Brazil: The Government Monitoring of Adverse Events Reported from COVID-19 Vaccine—A Narrative Review

Background: Is pharmacovigilance at a moment of prominence for science, and in relation to governments’ responsibilities towards their nations, as the new coronavirus pandemic has surprised everyone i

Dr. Sara May, Allergy and Immunology

How To MAKE MONEY As A Family Medicine Doctor EXPLAINED | Job Options After Residency

The things they don't teach you in school... like how to actually find a job after medical residency. Family medicine / general ...

Dr. Sara May, Allergy and Immunology

Meet Anne Barnard MD - Family Medicine with Obstetrics

In this video, Dr. Barnard describes her background, family medicine with obstetrics practice and her clinical interests.

Dr. Sara May, Allergy and Immunology

Ethical Vegan & Family Physician - meet Dr Rebecca Jones

Dr Rebecca Jones is a GP and ethical vegan. In this interview we look at how that plays out both personally and professionally.